Theorizing Communication: Readings Across Traditions is the first collection of primary-source readings built around seven traditions of communication theory- rhetorical, semiotic, phenomenological, cybernetic, sociopsychological, sociocultural, and critical.. The selected readings illustrate the history of each tradition and current trends. Enhancing the readings are introductory essays and sets of projects for theorizing through which the editors highlight contemporary interpretations, new directions, and/or hybrid approaches to studying communication theory. Key Features: Includes key primary source readings that have helped to define the field of Communication Theory: This collection of readings is not available elsewhere and frees instructors from having to design their own course packs. Offers a comprehensive view of communication theory by not limiting content to a single approach: This book is the first collection of readings on communication theory based on Robert T. Craig...
Umfangreiche Vergleichssammlung von Röntgenbildern normaler Kinderhände zur biologischen Altersbestimmung.
Durch die röntgenologische Bestimmung des Knochenalters lassen sich Fragen zur Akzeleration und Retardierung beantworten, die zu erwartende Endgröße berechnen sowie Wachstumsstörungen rechtzeitig erkennen.
Forensische Altersdiagnostik. Für Radiologen, (Kiefer-) Orthopäden, Pädiater, Genetiker und Rechtsmediziner.
Product details
- Hardback | 150 pages
- 202 x 277 x 17mm | 694g
- 27 Sep 2006
- Georg Thieme Verlag
- German
- 3., überarb. u. aktualis. A
- 150 Abb.
- 3137666031
- 9783137666035
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