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Theorizing Communication : Readings Across Traditions (9781412952378)

Theorizing Communication: Readings Across Traditions is the first collection of primary-source readings built around seven traditions of communication theory- rhetorical, semiotic, phenomenological, cybernetic, sociopsychological, sociocultural, and critical.. The selected readings illustrate the history of each tradition and current trends. Enhancing the readings are introductory essays and sets of projects for theorizing through which the editors highlight contemporary interpretations, new directions, and/or hybrid approaches to studying communication theory. Key Features: Includes key primary source readings that have helped to define the field of Communication Theory: This collection of readings is not available elsewhere and frees instructors from having to design their own course packs. Offers a comprehensive view of communication theory by not limiting content to a single approach: This book is the first collection of readings on communication theory based on Robert T. Craig...

At Satan's Altar : A Collection of Prayers, Chants, Affirmations, Hymns, and Rituals (1775262405)

Marie RavenSoul, a disciple of the Devil for more than 30 years, presents the reader with a fascinating collection of her personal and heartfelt devotionals to the Lord of Darkness. Those who have been searching for a serious and practical guide to religious rites in honour of Satan will find what they seek in this volume. Written with the explicit religious worship of the Devil in mind, At Satan's Altar provides a wealth of liturgical material to aid both the novice practitioner and the seasoned Satanist alike. Whether your path is a solitary one or you are looking for something to add to your Coven's rituals, this book will not disappoint. Product details Format Paperback | 194 pages ...

Bernarda Albas Haus (315008525X)

Sehnsucht nach Freiheit und Verwirklichung in der Liebe: Das verarbeitet Federico García Lorca in seinem Drama "Bernarda Albas Haus". In der einfachen und nüchternen Frauentragödie stellt er die Unterdrückung der Frauen und auch deren unterdrückte Leidenschaften und Wünsche in den Vordergrund. Hans Magnus Enzensberger hat die Tragödie übersetzt und mit einem kurzen Nachwort versehen. Product details Format Paperback | 64 pages Dimensions 97 x 147 x 7mm ...

Liederbuch Grundschule : Broschiert (3795748623)

Umfassend: Mit über 250 Liedern aus allen Bereichen setzt dieses Buch neue Maßstäbe für den Unterricht in der Grundschule. Ein stattliches Audio-Paket mit sechs CDs rundet das Angebot ab. (Separat erhältlich)Vielseitig: Ob traditionelles oder aktuelles Kinderlied, ob Pop, Folk(lore), Rap oder Kanon - zuverlässig und vielseitig bildet dieses Liederbuch alle relevanten Genres ab. Eine übersichtliche Kapitelstruktur führt durch das Schuljahr und stellt für alle denkbaren Themen und Anlässe ein reichhaltiges Angebot bereit. Weiterführend: Mit zahlreichen Zusatzinformationen, Begleitarrangements und Bewegungsanleitungen bietet dieses Liederbuch viele Anregungen für die kreative Umsetzung im Unterricht. Fächerübergreifend: Ein besonderer Pluspunkt dieses vollkommen neu konzipierten Liederbuches sind die fächerübergreifenden Angebote, mit einem reichhaltigen Fundus an praxiserprobten Ideen. Aufbauend: Ein weiteres Novum sind die "Wissenspfade", mit denen sich kindgerecht und praxisn...

The Pocket Fashion Sketchpad (9781452118338)

The bestsellingFASHION SKETCHPAD has become the go-to tool for aspiring fashion designers. This travel version offers 364 proportional fashion-figure templates in 10 popular street-style poses to capture inspiration and designs on the go. Best of all, the templates disappear when scanned or copied, so the final designs can shine. An ideal size for a backpack,THE POCKET FASHION SKETCHPAD is the perfect accessory for future fashion designers and creative kids everywhere! Product details Format Notebook | 128 pages Dimensions 163 x 219 ...

Selected Papers of Karl Abraham M D (9780343309688)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. Product details Format ...

Gay Tarot, Tarotkarten : Ein Mittel zur Erkenntnis und Introspektion für all diejenigen, die die Verschiedenartigkeit nicht fürchten (3898756696)

Das erste explizit schwule Tarot-Deck. The Gay-Way of Life festgehalten in anregenden Bildmotiven. Product details Format General merchandise Dimensions 70 x 130 x 30mm | 237g Publisher Königsfurt Urania ...

How to Take Smart Notes : One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking - for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers (1542866502)

The key to good and efficient writing lies in the intelligent organisation of ideas and notes. This book helps students, academics and nonfiction writers to get more done, write intelligent texts and learn for the long run. It teaches you how to take smart notes and ensure they bring you and your projects forward. The Take Smart Notes principle is based on established psychological insight and draws from a tried and tested note-taking-technique. This is the first comprehensive guide and description of this system in English, and not only does it explain how it works, but also why. It suits students and academics in the social sciences and humanities, nonfiction writers and others who are in the business of reading, thinking and writing. Instead of wasting your time searching for notes, quotes or references, you can focus on what really counts: thinking, understanding and developing new ideas in writing. It does not matter if you prefer taking notes with pen and paper or on a computer, ...

Alter(n) - Lernen - Bildung : Ein Handbuch (9783170327511)

Die Bildungsbedurfnisse von Menschen "jenseits der Lebensmitte" rucken heute verstarkt in den Fokus. Dazu gibt es eine Vielzahl von Theorieansatzen und Konzepten von Seiten der Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften, der Geragogik und Sozialen Gerontologie, der Psychologie und der Sozialwissenschaft. Das Handbuch Alter(n) - Lernen - Bildung verknupft diese Wissenschaftsdiskurse miteinander und bietet erstmalig ein gemeinsames begriffliches Fundament fur eine ubergreifende Theorie des Lernens und der Bildung im Alter. Er erlaubt die schnelle Orientierung zum "state of the art" in der Forschung, entfaltet das breite Sprektrum der innovativen Konzepte und Ansatze der Lern- und Bildungsprozesse im Alter und konkretisiert diese mit Blick auf die Praxis. Product details Format Paperback ...

Love Who You Are (1938298063)

A screen-printed cover and bright Wibalin binding enclose charming illustrations and messages of encouragement: Begin by loving yourself. Love the tomorrows you're heading into. Love that you will end up doing more than you can imagine. A perfect gift for preteens, teens, and wonderful women of all ages. Product details Format Hardback Dimensions 135 x 175 x 5mm | 181g Publication date 01 ...

Cambridge IGCSE (R) Biology Coursebook with CD-ROM (9781107614796)

This edition of our successful series to support the Cambridge IGCSE Biology syllabus (0610) is fully updated for the revised syllabus for first examination from 2016. Written by an experienced teacher and examiner, Cambridge IGCSE Biology Coursebook with CD-ROM gives comprehensive and accessible coverage of the syllabus content. Suggestions for practical activities are included, designed to help develop the required experimental skills, with full guidance included on the CD-ROM. Study tips throughout the text, exam-style questions at the end of each chapter and a host of revision and practice material on the CD-ROM are designed to help students prepare for their examinations. Answers to the exam-style questions in the Coursebook are provided on the CD-ROM. Product details For ages 12-17 ...

Prince Charming Isn't Coming : How Women Get Smart About Money (0143112058)

Now updated: the classic guide that teaches women how to take control of their own finances When this groundbreaking yet compassionate book was first published ten years ago, it lifted a veil on women's resistance to managing their money, revealing that many were still waiting for a prince to rescue them financially. In this revised edition, which reflects our present-day economic world, Barbara Stanny inspires readers to take charge of their money and their lives. Filled with real-life success stories and practical advice - from tips on identifying the factors that keep women fearful and dependent to checklists and steps for overcoming them - this book is the next best thing to having one's own financial coach. Product details Format Paperback | 240 pages ...

Benjamin Silliman : A Life in the Young Republic (9780691633039)

Poet, essayist, chemist, geologist, educator, entrepreneur, publisher--Benjamin Silliman (1779-1864) was one of the virtuosi of the Early Republic and a founder of the American scientific community. This absorbing biography is not only a study of the youth and early career of a complex and remarkable man but also a window on his times. In lively and often moving detail, Chandos Michael Brown opens the broad context of Silliman's life in his native Connecticut. From Silliman's father's disastrous captivity among the British during the Revolution to the intensities of New England religious revivals, from the international celebrity of the Weston Meteor to the economic hazards of introducing artificial mineral waters to the New York market, here is an engaging portrayal of the growth of an American scientist within his rich cultural setting. Brown tells how the young Silliman confronted the declining fortunes of his distinguished family and how he strove to invent a new care...

Color and the Moving Image : History, Theory, Aesthetics, Archive (9780415892636)

This new AFI Film Reader is the first comprehensive collection of original essays on the use of color in film. Contributors from diverse film studies backgrounds consider the importance of color throughout the history of the medium, assessing not only the theoretical implications of color on the screen, but also the ways in which developments in cinematographic technologies transformed the aesthetics of color and the nature of film archiving and restoration. Color and the Moving Image includes new writing on key directors whose work is already associated with color-such as Hitchcock, Jarman and Sirk-as well as others whose use of color has not yet been explored in such detail-including Eric Rohmer and the Coen Brothers. This volume is an excellent resource for a variety of film studies courses and the global film archiving community at large. Product details Format ...

Paris Reiseführer Michael Müller Verlag : Individuell reisen mit vielen praktischen Tipps und Web-App (3956544242)

Der ehemals erste reine Städtereiseführer des Michael Müller Verlags führt den Leser nach Paris, in die Stadt der Flaneure, der Kunstliebhaber, Nachtschwärmer, Liebespaare und Gourmets. In 13 ausgewählten Spaziergängen präsentiert das Buch neben dem klassischen Sightseeing-Programm mit Eiffelturm, Louvre, Montmartre und Versailles auch die modernen Seiten der französischen Metropole, etwa das gigantische Büro- und Geschäftsviertel La Défense mit der Grande Arche, dem modernen Triumphbogen, oder den futuristischen Parc de la Vilette mit seinem Wahrzeichen, dem Kugelkino La Géode. Am Schluss jedes Kapitels findet man einen umfangreichen Katalog praktischer Informationen, angefangen von Shoppingtipps bis hin zu Informationen über Restaurants, Szenekneipen und Cafés. Vervollständigt wird der Guide durch detailliertes Kartenmaterial, das die Orientierung in der pulsierenden Millionenstadt erleichtert. Dazu Übernachtungstipps, Veranstaltungskalender und jede Menge weiterer Informationen, die...

Liebesschwüre für die Hochzeit (3491450764)

»Werde alt mit mir!Denn das Beste kommt noch.«Robert Browning Über 1000 Liebesschwüre und Gelöbnisse zum schönsten Tag im Leben, für Jubiläen und erneute Versprechen, mit Hochzeitsritualen aus aller Welt. Ein ideales Verlobungs- und Hochzeitsgeschenk. Ewige Liebe, Treue und Freundschaft: Die Versprechen, die man am Hochzeitstag gibt, gehören vielleicht zu den ernsthaftesten, die man im ganzen Leben leistet. Von Herzen kommende Empfindungen, große Gefühle, die oft nur schwer in Worte zu fassen sind.Dieses Buch berücksichtigt alles, was man am Hochzeitstag und später bei Jubiläen vielleicht zum Ausdruck bringen will. Es gibt außerdem Einblick in eine ganze Reihe altehrwürdiger Bräuche und Traditionen, wie Paare anderer Kulturen in der ganzen Welt ihren großen Tag begehen. In welchem Stil auch immer man heiraten will: Diese Sammlung von nahezu 1000 traditionellen und modernen Liebesschwüren, Dichterworten und Gelöbnissen kann vielleicht dabei helfen, aufrichtige Gefühle am glücklichsten ...

Tauschen - Schenken - Geld? : Ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Gegenentwürfe (3496028289)

Ist eine Alternative zum Kapitalismus möglich? Tauschbeziehungen ermöglichen soziale Netzwerke. Ist deshalb das Leben auch mit Komplementärwährungen, Tausch oder sogar ohne Geld denkbar? Das traditionelle Muschelgeld der Tolai und der argentinische Crédito, ethnologische Tauschtheorie und Kapitalismuskritik: Welche Faktoren begünstigen die Stabilität alternativer ökonomischer Modelle? Wie können sie zu sozialen, nachhaltigen Reserven in der kapitalistischen Krise werden? Es besteht heute eine Vielzahl an traditionellen kulturellen Modellen und neuen alternativen Projekten und Lebensweisen, die mit wirtschaftlichen Alternativen experimentieren. Sigrun Preissing betrachtet einige dieser ökonomischen Gegenentwürfe: Formen des Schenkens, des Tausches oder Komplementärwährungen. Können aus diesen Versuchen neue gesellschaftliche Konzepte entwickelt werden, die verwoben mit neuen Transaktionsformen sozial und ökologisch tragfähig sind? Product details ...

Pedigree : How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs (9780691155623)

Americans are taught to believe that upward mobility is possible for anyone who is willing to work hard, regardless of their social status, yet it is often those from affluent backgrounds who land the best jobs. Pedigree takes readers behind the closed doors of top-tier investment banks, consulting firms, and law firms to reveal the truth about who really gets hired for the nation's highest-paying entry-level jobs, who doesn't, and why. Drawing on scores of in-depth interviews as well as firsthand observation of hiring practices at some of America's most prestigious firms, Lauren Rivera shows how, at every step of the hiring process, the ways that employers define and evaluate merit are strongly skewed to favor job applicants from economically privileged backgrounds. She reveals how decision makers draw from ideas about talent--what it is, what best signals it, and who does (and does not) have it--that are deeply rooted in social class. Displaying the "right stuff...

Give Up Your Glasses For Good : Holistic Eye Care for the 21st Century (0986395323)

Give Up Your Glasses for Good is a step by step self-healing course that teaches you how to improve your vision naturally. Heal your own eyes holistically with this comprehensive workbook that includes over fifty vision enhancing practices and dozens of eye charts and reading that can help decrease eyestrain and increase clarity. Sit back and relax as you watch your vision return to its original state; a state of equilibrium, ease, and auto-focus. After its original release in 2015, this new updated third edition provides an even clearer path to clarity with a brand new chapter on healing the mental and emotional root causes of vision problems as well as a more in-depth description of how to turn books and eye charts into vision training tools. With nearly 100 more pages than the last version and even more powerful techniques contained within, this new version will yield even more rapid and measurable results in your natural vision and help you do what the title suggests: give up your ...

Meditation X : Telekinesis: The Mindfulness Practice of Moving Matter with Subtle Energy and Intention (1979663262)

Meditation X is the most fun and intriguing type of meditation training a person can learn! If you practice mindfulness, you can learn to move matter with your mind, and this book (accompanied by online training videos) will show you how. Fans of McNamara's first book "Defy Your Limits" will be delighted to learn that "Meditation X" contains new and advanced telekinesis methods such as moving multiple objects simultaneously, moving objects while standing and moving, moving an object with a partner or group, moving an object from another room, and more. You will learn how to use the principles of mindfulness and meditation to engage a quickly spreading phenomenon: telekinesis. Also known as psychokinesis, it is defined as the movement of an object from a distance through the use of one's mind and subtle energy. While Hollywood portrays exaggerated versions of mind over matter, real telekinesis is less dramatic, yet completely real. "Meditation X" i...

Bands 15-16 Preview Pack Paper (9780582436503)

Designed to fit the National Curriculum, this is part of the "Longman Book Project". The project aims to enable teachers throughout the primary school to teach: language; fiction; and non-fiction. This preview pack contains one copy of each title in Bands 15-16, plus a teacher's resource book. Product details Format Paperback Dimensions 159 x 205 x 54mm | 1,560g Publication date ...

Give and Take : Developmental Foreign Aid and the Pharmaceutical Industry in East Africa (9780691197845)

Give and Take looks at local drug manufacturing in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, from the early 1980s to the present, to understand the impact of foreign aid on industrial development. While foreign aid has been attacked by critics as wasteful, counterproductive, or exploitative, Nitsan Chorev makes a clear case for the effectiveness of what she terms "developmental foreign aid." Against the backdrop of Africa's pursuit of economic self-sufficiency, the battle against AIDS and malaria, and bitter negotiations over affordable drugs, Chorev offers an important corrective to popular views on foreign aid and development. She shows that when foreign aid has provided markets, monitoring, and mentoring, it has supported the emergence and upgrading of local production. In instances where donors were willing to procure local drugs, they created new markets that gave local entrepreneurs an incentive to produce new types of drugs. In turn, when donors enforced exacting standards as a...

Angular: Up and Running (1491999837)

This book will demystify Angular as a framework, as well as provide clear instructions and examples on how to get started with writing scalable Angular applications. Angular: Up & Running covers most of the major pieces of Angular, but in a structured manner that is generally used in hands-on training. Each chapter takes one concept, and use examples to cover how it works. Problems to work on (with solutions) at the end of each chapter reinforce the learnings of each chapter and allow readers to really get hands-on with Angular. Product details Format Paperback | 300 pages Dimensions 178 ...

Wochenplaner 2018 : Tischkalender (3830376375)

Ein Kalender zum Planen und Lachen mit Uli Stein Der beliebte Wochenkalender von Uli Stein im Querformat bietet auch in diesem Jahr wieder den besten Überblick! Doch hier kommen nicht nur Fans von Uli Stein auf ihre Kosten. Jeder, der einen guten Planer für die Organisation der Woche sucht, ist mit diesem Kalender gut beraten. Das praktische Querformat mit viel Platz zum Eintragen von Terminen ist der richtige Organizer im Alltag. Ein Wochenplaner für jeden Der gute Humor von Uli Stein ist legendär. Und weil jeder gerne lacht und es sich mit Humor viel leichter arbeiten lässt, gibt es auch 2018 wieder den hilfreichen "Uli Stein Wochenplaner". So hat man Humor und Wochenplanung immer gut im Blick - besser kann es doch kaum laufen. Product details Format Calendar | 66 ...

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft : Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development (0738702765)

Expand your Inner Temple - your personal sacred space where there are no boundaries and all things are possible. This four-CD set helps open the door by calming your mind and guiding the visualisations vital to magickal success. It is designed to complement the study course: The Inner Temple of Witchcraft. Each CD allows you to experience the book's lessons on a deep and personal level, with an experienced teacher guiding the way. Product details Format Paperback | 352 pages Dimensions 190 x 235 x 21.84mm ...

Introduction to Sectional Anatomy: Textbook and Workbook Package (9780781778275)

This is a text and workbook package. It is compatible with: BlackBerry[registered] OS 4.1 or Higher / iPhone/iPod Touch 2.0 or Higher /Palm OS 3.5 or higher / Palm Pre Classic / Symbian S60, 3rd edition (Nokia) / Windows Mobile[trademark] Pocket PC (all versions) / Windows Mobile Smartphone / Windows 98SE/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Tablet PC. Product details Format Paperback | 640 pages Dimensions 218.44 x 281.94 x 38.1mm | 1,770g ...

Treasure (9780008216665)

In the ninth gripping thriller in the world famous Dirk Pitt series, the adventurer finds himself in a deadly battle against the darkest forces of international terrorism. THE HIGH-EXPLOSIVE SECRET OF THE AGES... 391 AD: Fanatics destroy the greatest storehouse of knowledge and treasure in the ancient world - the mighty library and museum of Alexandria. But a few conspirators secretly remove its most precious items and hide them deep in a specially excavated stronghold... 1991 AD: A UN plane, with the Secretary-General aboard, crashes in the icy waters of Greenland, brought down by a murderous conspiracy. And trouble-shooter Dirk Pitt is drawn into a deadly battle, against the darkest forces of international terrorism, that could reshape the balance of world power forever. Product details Format Paperback ...

Bernhard Dernburg : Kolonialpolitiker der Kaiserzeit (3955650340)

Bernhard Dernburg (1865-1937) prägte und gestaltete maßgeblich die deutsche Kolonialpolitik unter Kaiser Wilhelm II. in den Jahren 1906 bis 1910, zunächst als Direktor der Kolonialabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes und später als Staatssekretär des Reichskolonialamtes. Der liberale Politiker stammte väterlicherseits aus einer traditionsreichen jüdischen Familie, mütterlicherseits aus einem evangelischen Pfarrhaus. Für die Rasseantisemiten war das jedoch ohne Bedeutung. Dernburg war für diese und viele andere ein Jude. Bartmuß unternimmt den Versuch, den Politiker und Finanzexperten aus seiner Zeit heraus zu verstehen. Dernburg war ein auf Ausgleich bedachter Vertreter der Kolonialmacht des Deutschen Reiches. Product details Format Paperback | 112 pages ...