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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2022

Theorizing Communication : Readings Across Traditions (9781412952378)

Theorizing Communication: Readings Across Traditions is the first collection of primary-source readings built around seven traditions of communication theory- rhetorical, semiotic, phenomenological, cybernetic, sociopsychological, sociocultural, and critical.. The selected readings illustrate the history of each tradition and current trends. Enhancing the readings are introductory essays and sets of projects for theorizing through which the editors highlight contemporary interpretations, new directions, and/or hybrid approaches to studying communication theory. Key Features: Includes key primary source readings that have helped to define the field of Communication Theory: This collection of readings is not available elsewhere and frees instructors from having to design their own course packs. Offers a comprehensive view of communication theory by not limiting content to a single approach: This book is the first collection of readings on communication theory based on Robert T. Craig...

Succeeding in the GPST Stage 2: Practice questions for GPST / GPVTS Stage 2 Selection : Study Text (9781509705023)

Professional Dilemmas (or Situational Judgement tests) form a significant part of the GPST recruitment process and yet many doctors will not have experienced questions of this type under examination conditions. It is therefore essential that candidates sitting the GPST Specialty Recruitment Assessment (SRA) exam have a clear understanding of how to approach questions of this type as poor performance in this section will almost certainly result in not progressing to the Stage 3 selection day. This interactive book, which contains detailed guidance, and over 70 practice questions (including detailed explanations of all the answers), aims to help doctors prepare for and successfully complete their GPST SRA. In this book, Nicole Corriette and Matt Green: Describe the context of Professionals Dilemmas within the GPST Speciality Recruitment Assessment selection process Explore the various ethical principles that you must consider when answering these types of questions Set out how to ap...

Ensayo Hist rico-Cr tico Sobre La Legislaci n Y Principales Cuerpos Legales De Los Reinos De Le n Y Castilla, Especialmente Sobre El C digo De Las Siete Partidas De D. Alonso El Sabio (9780274192922)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservati...

Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior (1259913864)

Drugs, Society and Human Behavior provides the latest information on drug use and its effects on society as well as on the individual. Trusted for more than 40 years by both instructors and students, this authoritative resource examines drugs and drug use from a variety of perspectives-behavioral, pharmacological, historical, social, legal, and clinical. The 17th Edition includes the very latest information and statistics and many new timely topics and issues have been added that are sure to pique students' interest and stimulate class discussion. Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect (R) is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes...

Ware ich du, wurde ich mich lieben (3499267268)

Grandios komische Geschichten über Unbill und Tücken des Alltags. Warum erfindet der Mensch elektrische Zahnbürsten, aber keinen Mülleimer, der selbständig in den Hof runtergeht und sich ausleert? Gibt es eine Altersvorsorge, die auch schon in jungen Jahren glücklich und zufrieden macht? Wie hält man vor einem Kater dessen Kastration geheim? Wie die Tücken des Hier und Jetzt auch aussehen mögen: Horst Evers hat zwar nicht immer eine Lösung parat, kann aber so lustig und liebevoll davon erzählen, dass man schon wieder froh über die Probleme ist. Dieses Buch gibt keine Ratschläge - hilft aber trotzdem! Product details Format Paperback | 222 pages ...

Moon Knight Vol. 2: Reincarnations (9780785199540)

Meet the many men inside Moon Knight's head as the focus shifts to his various incarnations! Marc Spector broke his body to escape the prison Khonshu built for his mind...but what if he's still trapped? Steven Grant awoke in New York City, ready to produce Marvel's next box-office smash - is he losing his mind, or will Moon Knight: The Movie be a blockbuster? And Jake Lockley is under arrest for murder! With the world calling on him to protect those who travel at night, Marc is losing control. The muddled mind of Moon Knight is reaching its limit! COLLECTING: MOON KNIGHT 6-9, MOON KNIGHT (1980) 2 Product details Format Paperback | 112 pages ...

The Inner Life of Animals : Surprising Observations of a Hidden World (9781784705954)

Can horses feel shame? Do deer grieve? Why do roosters deceive hens? We tend to assume that we are the only living things able to experience feelings but have you ever wondered what's going on in an animal's head? From the leafy forest floor to the inside of a bee hive, The Inner Life of Animals opens up the animal kingdom like never before. We hear the stories of a grateful humpback whale, of a hedgehog who has nightmares, and of a magpie who commits adultery; we meet bees that plan for the future, pigs who learn their own names and crows that go tobogganing for fun. And at last we find out why wasps exist. Product details Format Paperback | 288 pages ...

SOFSEM 2011: Theory and Practice of Computer Science : 37th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Novy Smokovec, Slovakia, January 22-28, 2011. Proceedings (9783642183805)

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 37th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM 2011, held in Novy, Smokovec, Slovakia in January 2011. The 41 revised full papers, presented together with 5 invited contributions, were carefully reviewed and selected from 122 submissions. SOFSEM 2011 was organized around the following four tracks: foundations of computer science; software, systems, and services; processing large datasets; and cryptography, security, and trust. Product details Format Paperback | 572 pages Dimensions ...

Matthew 1-13 (9780830843510)

The Gospel of Matthew stands out as a favorite biblical text among patristic commentators. The patristic commentary tradition on Matthew begins with Origen's pioneering twenty-five-volume commentary on the First Gospel in the mid-third century. In the Latin-speaking West, where commentaries did not appear until about a century later, the first commentary on Matthew was written by Hilary of Poitiers in the mid-fourth century. From that point the First Gospel became one of the texts most frequently commented on in patristic exegesis. Outstanding examples are Jerome's four-volume commentary and the valuable but anonymous and incomplete Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum. Then there are the Greek catena fragments derived from commentaries by Theodore of Heraclea, Apollinaris of Laodicea, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria. The ancient homilies also provide ample comment, including John Chrysostom's ninety homilies and Chromatius of Aquileia's fifty-nine homilies...

Le case in paglia. Come costruire edifici, uffici, capanne o cottage sostenibili e sicuri utilizzando le balle di paglia (9788828508649)

Una casa fatta di paglia? Perché no! Sia che si costruisca una casa intera, o qualcosa di più piccolo - un ufficio o studio, una capanna o un cottage per gli ospiti - gli edifici in balle di paglia intonacate rappresentano uneccezionale alternativa sia per la durata che per i prezzi molto abbordabili rispetto ai tradizionali e meno naturali metodi. E non basta: costruire in balle di paglia è anche divertente e facile da imparare e da fare. I locali e gli spazi abitabili costruiti con questo materiale ispirano tranquillità e sono comodi da abitare. In questa opera vengono descritti i molti benefici delle case in paglia. Scopri in queste pagine tantissime e preziose informazioni per costruire facilmente la tua casa in paglia. La dettagliata descrizione di ogni singola fase di costruzione rende realizzabile il sogno di una casa a costi veramente bassi, sicura ed efficiente dal punto di vista energetico. Product details ...

Practical Industrial Safety, Risk Assessment and Shutdown Systems (9780750658041)

This is a book for engineers that covers the hardware and software aspects of high-reliability safety systems, safety instrumentation and shutdown systems as well as risk assessment techniques and the wider spectrum of industrial safety. Rather than another book on the discipline of safety engineering, this is a thoroughly practical guide to the procedures and technology of safety in control and plant engineering. This highly practical book focuses on efficiently implementing and assessing hazard studies, designing and applying international safety practices and techniques, and ensuring high reliability in the safety and emergency shutdown of systems in your plant. This book will provide the reader with the most up-to-date standards for and information on each stage of the safety life cycle from the initial evaluation of hazards through to the detailed engineering and maintenance of safety instrumented systems. It will help them develop the ability to plan hazard and risk assessment st...

Teoría de la decisión y de los juegos (9788496477360)

Este libro está dirigido a los alumnos de las titulaciones de Economía y de Administración de Empresas, así como a cualquier persona que desee familiarizarse con las herramientas fundamentales para la toma de decisiones. A diferencia de otros manuales disponibles en el mercado, este libro no sólo explica las situaciones de interdependencia estratégica, sino que también aborda el estudio de la teoría de la decisión. Product details Format Paperback | 210 pages Dimensions 170 x 240mm ...

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics Student's Book 3rd edition (9781510482807)

This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2022. Confidently navigate the updated Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics (9702) syllabus with a structured approach ensuring that the link between theory and practice is consolidated, scientific skills are applied, and analytical skills developed. - Enable students to monitor and build progress with short 'self-assessment' questions throughout the student text, with answers at the back of the book, so students can check their understanding as they work their way through the chapters. - Build scientific communication skills and vocabulary in written responses with a variety of exam-style questions. - Encourage understanding of historical context and scientific applications with extension boxes in the student text. - Have confidence that lessons cover the syllabus completely with a free Scheme of Work available online. - Provide additional...

In Search of Another Country : Mississippi and the Conservative Counterrevolution (9780691122090)

In the 1960s, Mississippi was the heart of white southern resistance to the civil-rights movement. To many, it was a backward-looking society of racist authoritarianism and violence that was sorely out of step with modern liberal America. White Mississippians, however, had a different vision of themselves and their country, one so persuasive that by 1980 they had become important players in Ronald Reagan's newly ascendant Republican Party. In this ambitious reassessment of racial politics in the deep South, Joseph Crespino reveals how Mississippi leaders strategically accommodated themselves to the demands of civil-rights activists and the federal government seeking to end Jim Crow, and in so doing contributed to a vibrant conservative countermovement. Crespino explains how white Mississippians linked their fight to preserve Jim Crow with other conservative causes with evangelical Christians worried about liberalism infecting their churches, with cold warriors concerned about the C...

Paleo for Beginners : The Guide to Getting Started (9780989558617)

Achieve your best health by eating like your ancestors. Recent scientific studies have proven the superior health benefits of a Paleo diet. Based on the idea that the diet of our early ancestors is the ideal diet for optimum health, Paleo cuts out unhealthy modern foods like grains, sugars, and processed products, and replaces them with only the freshest, healthiest, and most nutrient-packed foods. Paleo for Beginners is your introduction to the life-changing Paleo diet, with 150 easy recipes that will help you get lean and feel more energetic. Paleo for Beginners introduces you to the healthiest, most time-tested diet in human history with: - 150 delicious Paleo recipes for every meal - Detailed information on the proven health benefits of eating Paleo - Q&A to determine how eating Paleo fits with your lifestyle - Detailed 30-day meal plan - Tips on building a Paleo pantry and staying Paleo outside your home - Special advice for weight loss, athletes, and other dietary needs With ...

The Physics of Proteins : An Introduction to Biological Physics and Molecular Biophysics (9781441910431)

Provides an introduction to the structure and function of biomolecules --- especially proteins --- and the physical tools used to investigate them The discussion concentrates on physical tools and properties, emphasizing techniques that are contributing to new developments and avoiding those that are already well established and whose results have already been exploited fully New tools appear regularly - synchrotron radiation, proton radiology, holography, optical tweezers, and muon radiography, for example, have all been used to open new areas of understanding Product details Format Hardback | 448 pages ...

The History of Hindostan; Volume 2 (9781362892717)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservati...

Records of the Town of Jamaica, Long Island, New York, 1656-1751 (9781298752390)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservati...

Master the Arabic Alphabet, A Handwriting Practice Workbook : Perfect Your Calligraphy Skills and Dominate the Modern Standard Arabic Script (9781653392957)

Do you want to perfect your handwriting? Do you need a trustworthy resource to teach your small children to trace the Arabic alphabet? Then this workbook is the perfect companion for your studies. In it, you'll find all the Standard Modern Arabic letters in the isolated, initial, medial and final form variations. Your benefits: Clear large letters make it easy to recognize even the most detailed of the Arabic characters.Detailed stroke order instructions provide you with a strong foundation to build your skills.Dedicated "Trace and Learn" sections are designed to imprint proper stroke technique unto your muscle memory.Font variations are prepared to train your brain to recognize alternative character styles easily.Simple pronunciation guidelines prevent you from feeling overwhelmed while helping you to understand the basic sound of each letter.As a bonus, for each character, you'll find extra 8.5 x 11 inches pages fully dedicated to the handwriting practice of that l...

Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 11th Edition, Si Units (9789813158986)

Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design isintended for students beginning the study of mechanical engineering design.Students will find that the text inherently directs them into familiarity withboth the basics of design decisions and the standards of industrial components.It combines the straightforward focus on fundamentals that instructors havecome to expect with a modern emphasis on design and new applications. Thisedition maintains the well-designed approach that has made this book thestandard in machine design for nearly 50 years. McGraw Hill Education's Connectis also available as an optional add on item. Connect is the only integratedlearning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliverprecisely what they need when they need it how they need it so that class timeis more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework quizzes andtests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student'swork. Problems are randomized...

Defective Paradigms : Missing Forms and What They Tell Us (9780197264607)

An important design feature of language is the use of productive patterns in inflection. In English, we have pairs such as 'enjoy' ~ 'enjoyed', 'agree' ~ 'agreed', and many others. On the basis of this productive pattern, if we meet a new verb 'transduce' we know that there will be the form 'transduced'. Even if the pattern is not fully regular, there will be a form available, as in 'understand' ~ 'understood'. Surprisingly, this principle is sometimes violated, a phenomenon known as defectiveness, which means there is a gap in a word's set of forms: for example, given the verb 'forego', many if not most people are unwilling to produce a past tense. Although such gaps have been known to us since the days of Classical grammarians, they remain poorly understood. Defectiveness contradicts basic assumptions about the way inflectional rules operate, because it seems to require that speakers know t...

El Arte del Pastel Perfecto (9788415893950)

Kathleen Eaden fue la imagen de la próspera cadena de supermercados fundada por su marido. Con sus deliciosos dulces y su apariencia de ama de casa perfecta, se convirtió en símbolo de la vida familiar en muchos hogares. Ahora, después de su muerte, la cadena Eaden's busca a un nuevo representante de la marca a través de un concurso de repostería. Los cinco participantes que pasan a la final no podrían ser más diferentes entre sí, igual que lo son sus motivaciones para concursar. Tenemos a Jenny, que se enfrenta a su casa vacía ahora que sus hijas son mayores euros a Claire, que sacrificó sus sueños para criar a su hija euros a Mike, viudo y padre de dos niños euros a Vicki, que lo dejó todo para quedarse en casa con su hijo, y a Karen, que no está dispuesta a mostrar ninguna sura en su apariencia brillante.A medida que avanza la competición, el nivel de exigencia aumenta y los concursantes deberán esmerarse cada vez más y preparar ante las cámaras todo tipo de deliciosas recetas, ...

Perpetual Child : Adult Adoptee Anthology: Dismantling the Stereotype (9781492833444)

"The Perpetual Child: Adult Adoptee Anthology features a collection of stories, poetry, and essays aimed at confronting the "perpetual child stereotype" faced by adult adoptees. The pieces contained within this anthology will implore readers to look deeply into their own ideas about what it means to be adopted and to empathize with the experience of being viewed as a child into adulthood." Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston Contributing Writers: Laura Dennis, Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman, Lynn Grubb, Lee Herrick, Jennifer Bao Yu "Precious Jade" Jue-Steuck, Karen Pickell, Matthew Salesses, Lucy Chau Lai-Tuen Sheen, Nicky Sa-eun Schildkraut, Julie Stromberg, April Topfer, Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston, Angela Tucker, Catana Tully Product details Format Paperback ...

The Crowning Venture : Inspiration from Women Who Have Memorized the Quran (0999299034)

If you've ever sighed wistfully upon hearing of someone memorizing the Quran, wishing it was something you could do, too, then prepare to replace that wistfulness with determination! Filled with inspirational stories for your heart and memorization techniques for your mind, The Crowning Venture reminds us that memorizing the Quran is not an achievement to be conquered, it's a journey to savor. A journey YOU can make. Product details Format Paperback | 156 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 9mm ...

Together We Rise (9781685245801)

It's time to rekindle your magic. It's been waiting for you all along ... all you have to do is believe. The first book in Ravenwolf's Believe Trilogy, Together We Rise is compilation of literary prose offering inspiration, love and empowerment for your journey. Rediscover your wings and take flight with Ravenwolf. May these words help inspire you to find your own through love, hope, empowerment and the knowledge that you are not alone. Together we rise. Product details Format Paperback | 294 pages Dimensions 127 x 203 ...